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Marketing Activities

Marketing before the event
• Press Release will be sent to both to both print and electronic media outfits, Spice TV (Entertainment Media) and a few newspaper editors will also be engaged to cover the event
• Flyers and brochures will be distributed at local bridal shows and placed at various locations throughout the city, including, restaurants, bridal salons, jewelry stores and floral shops.
• A Facebook event page will be created and adverts will be placed across all social media platforms.


Marketing on the day of the event

•  Flyers, balloons and paper fans with the grand opening information printed on them will be handed out to people.
•  Post Signs with details of the event will be position by the road leading to the venue.
• Live event updates will be posted to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the hashtag #revekaconceptsgrandopening. This will help connect attendees and lead their followers to a page full of images and posts about the event and the company.

Marketing after the event: In order to sustain the momentum gotten at the grand opening, the below will be done

• We will encourage people to post about the grand opening on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hashtag - #revekaconceptsgrandopening.
• Send “thank you” cards to attendees with a 10% off discount code on their next consultation at Reveka Concepts (Terms and Conditions applied)
• Send out a post-event press release to our local media so people know what to expect from our business going forward. 


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